sylvia-mae's webfishing midi database

These are all the MIDI files I've collected over time to use with the MidiStrummer
mod for WEBFISHING! Custom MIDIs are made entirely by me, and they work great in
the bounds of WEBFISHING. Edited MIDIs weren't made by me, but I've modified them
to sound good in the range of the guitar. Curated MIDIs are straight rips from Musescore
or other MIDI sites that sounded good enough out-of-the-box to not merit any editing.

I recommend using a MIDI tool like MIDI Player 6 (,
as it's live tempo slider does wonders! Slowing down songs is the best combat to lag, ESPECIALLY on
real fast tracks like LESBIAN PONIES WITH WEAPONS, Megalo Strike Back, or anarchy!!!!

Custom MIDIs

Edited MIDIs

Curated MIDIs